Analog signal is a signal contious in time ie it varies according to the time.
from point A to point B it will include infine values along it travelling path
Analog Signal |
Analog signal has a property that it uses the property of the medium to carry the message for example Pressure of the sound wave continously varies with the the voltage .
An analog signal can be depicted using three properties
- Amplitude
- Phase
- Frequency
Amplitude of Analog Signal |
Minimum Amplitude is the the distance from horizontal axis from the negitive veritical axis if any
If not it is the minimum distance of horizontal axis to the verical
Frequency -
The number of cycles completed by wave form per unit time is defined to be frequency
Frequency = 1/ time period
In sinusoidal functions or in waves has two different, but closely related, meanings. One is the initial angle of a sinusoidal function at its
origin and is sometimes called phase offset. Another usage is the fraction of the wave cycle which has elapsed relative to the origin
Analog signal is of two types -
- Synchronous Analog Signal
- Asynchronous Analog Signal
Synchronous Analog Signal - A synchronous analog signal is the one which is which repeats its pattern over time over and over again
The best example of a synchronous signal is a Sine wave ie a function of type "sinwt " it forms a continous pattern attaining same maximum and minimum amplitute over and over again over a period of time
synchronous analog signal |
The maximum value for the sine wave is 1 and the minimum is 0 as it moves along its path
Asynchronous analog signal |
Asynchronous Analog Signal - A asynchronous analog signal is one which does not form a continous pattern of wave over particular tie as it moves along its path .It usually forms irregular patterns along its movement along path
Advantages of Analog Signal
Music and speech as well as most other sound is analog. We interpret analog audio signals almost instantly, and without even thinking about it. Without analog signals, most of our listening activities are for nothing.
- One of the major advantages of the analog signal is that they have power to define infinite amount of data.
- Density of the analog signals is much higher as compared to digital ones.
- Analog signals have easy processing.
Disadvantages of Analog Signal
Losses In Analog Signal
Noise In Analog Signal The primary disadvantage of analog signaling is that any system has
Noise -random unwanted variation. As the signal is copied and re-copied, or transmitted over long distances, these apparently random variations become dominant.
The effects of noise create signal loss and distortion. This is impossible to recover
Disortion in Analog Signal - It is defined to be the change of shape in sigal getting transmitted from one point to the other or from the source to the destinationInduced Noise
Thermal Noise- Noise due to random motion of electrons cause this type of noise in the signal and the shape of signal gets disorted because of this
Thermal noise in analog Signal |
Attenuation |
For instance, sunlight is attenuated by dark glasses